The Walkers go to Bali

Four ladies from our Busselton walking group, plus an old friend from Perth decided to have a girls week away in Bali. I thought I’d better post a few photos so as the other ladies from our group don’t start thinking we’ve gotten ourselves lost. So here goes:

Pretending we had one or two too many(I promise we hadn’t)

Watching the beach get cleaned on one of our early morning walks.

The main pools where the masses swim

Our own private little pool- we’ve been spending a lot of time here floating around and chatting.

Booking Sunday Brunch at the Mulia after ‘just a little walk’ to get there. (Now there’s a story).

Scrubbed up for Cocktails before the seafood barbecue and fire dance show.

Tables all set up for the Seafood barbecue

Having a great time, to busy to write much but there will be more to come soon I’m sure…..

5 thoughts on “The Walkers go to Bali

    1. Bit strange Peggy to be away with girlfriends instead of with Paul. It’s the first holiday I’ve had away with girlfriends. I’m enjoying it, but I still miss Paul. We’re both very much ‘in sync’ with each other when holidaying. However, saying that, this is a great group of friends and we quite ‘in holiday sync’ too. Nothing worse than being away with people who arn’t in sync.


  1. Coincidentally, I have been away with girlfriends but only to Noosa, not Bali! It looks telaxing for sure! There is always so much to chat about with old friends. Enjoy!


    1. It’s so relaxing just floating around in our little lagoon pool and chatting away Amanda. This is the first holiday I’ve had away with girlfriends. I do miss Paul quite a lot, but I’m still enjoying it.


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