Broome 2022

We’ve been in Broome for a little over two weeks now. Checking into the caravan park we were given what has clearly become a standard spiel, ‘don’t leave anything valuable out, especially car keys, and don’t leave your car keys hanging near the door inside your caravan’. This was followed up by an email stating the same. Apparently it isn’t uncommon to awake to find someone inside your van who has managed to snib the door open while the occupants sleep.

We’ve seen and heard things over the years that indicate the local youth and sadly, in particular, the local indigenous youth, have been becoming aware that the tourist season opens up opportunities for theft, especially car theft. Now it seems that Broome is joining the rest of the northern parts in Australia in resembling what can only be described as a lawless society. The crime rate is definitely escalating. Broome is losing its sleepy little town in paradise feel. Sad indeed!!

Our son and daughter in law were due to leave Darwin a couple of days after we arrived. They were bringing a tent, but not being able to get a site at our caravan park, had booked somewhere a little out of town. Hearing about the warnings heralded a change of plan. They cancelled their site, and instead have their tent sent up on our site, their portable fridge chained to our caravan wheel, and when we go out, their electronics and valuables are hidden away and locked in our caravan.

Kelvin has spent time in Broome previously, but this is Dara’s first visit. With everything secured as best as possible, we’ve been out and about. They are loving it.

Swimming during the day at Cable Beach, then playing around as the sun go down in the evening.

Exploring Ridell Beach and Entrance Point.

There’s no way I would have been tempted to climb into that hole…. He may have turned 50, but there’s still plenty of the thrill seeker from his teenage years left inside. Pleased there weren’t any snakes down there.

Rock pools to explore at low tide

We’ve managed to get into a few restaurants, you have to book, sometimes weeks in advance. The Aarli Bar has been the stand out so far – it always is. We went to Ladies Day at the Broome races – left early, and decided we’d give the Broome cup race day a miss. Went fishing a few times from town jetty, caught nothing except a cold.

Today we’re heading up to Cygnet Bay pearl farm for a boat tour. I’ll let you know more about later, but now I’d better go and get ready.

13 thoughts on “Broome 2022

  1. We take these sorts of precautions wherever we travel these days. We don’t leave anything outside and always make sure the van is secured and nothing left inside within sight of the windows. It’s a sad state of affairs but necessary. It sounds like you’re having a great time though.


  2. Pearls? What fun! I have to comment on the astounding beauty in your photographs. The colours are quite incredible! I love the one with Dara holding the sun! Well shot!
    Sad that the indigenous youth feel there is no alternative but opportunistic crime.


    1. If I was an artist I’d live in Broome. The colours here are amazing, the bluest of blues, the reddest of reds, and the most glorious sunsets imaginable. Yes, it’s so sad that the youth haven’t found something more character building to do with their time. I don’t know what the answer is….. I don’t know if there is one, at least not in the here and now. Sadly I think In my lifetime I’m going to see some devastating effects from global warming, and almost as sadly, I don’t think I’m going to see any positive changes in the problems the indigenous youth face.

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      1. There are modern challenges that seem insurmountable, Chris. I have faith in the human spirit to adapt if not overcome such challenges. History teaches us this. Although climate change is shaping up to be the biggest one yet.

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